Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional memang mutlak harus dikuasai oleh setiap orang yang tidak ingin tertetinggal jauh dalam banyak hal. Tidak heran bila di Indonesia pelajaran bahasa Inggris telah diberikan bahkan sejak masih di bangku kelas 2 Sekolah Dasar. Di kota besar seperti Jakarta dan Surabaya malah bisa kita temukan pre school yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar. Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris diperlukan latihan yang teratur supaya lancar dan bentuk latihan yang paling efektif adalah dengan melakukan praktek percakapan. Salah satu praktek percakapan yang sering dilakukan oleh para pelajar adalah dalam bentuk drama bahasa Inggris.
Berikut ini adalah contoh drama bahasa Inggris:
ANDIKA: Chika's classmate, he love Chika but he kept in his heart
MOM: Andika's mom whom always pickup Andika after school
SUSI: Andika's sister, she 2 years younger then Andhika
This conversation was done in the car while on the way to go home
Andhika: Mom, I got birthday invitation from Chika
Mom: Chika? hmm..the cute girl whom you always talking about, right?
Andhika: Yeah..she's so cute..
Susi: You have to go there for her party otherwise other boy will stealing her from you
Mom: When the party will done?
Andhika: Next Saturday on OX cafe. I leaved the invitation on my desk. But I think the party will start on 07.00 PM
Susi: Any special concept and dress code?
Andhika: yes sure..a fairy tale concept..and I have to wear something to make me look like a prince.
Susi: you may count on me. I can dress you like a prince
Mom: hahahaha...yes, come to your sister. She has good knowladge for any kind of fashion
Mom: Do you have any idea about the birthday gift?
Andhika: I don't know mom..but I want to buy something special for her
Susi: What is her hobby?
Andhika: She love baking a lot...she bring any kind of food, cake, and cookies everyday.
Mom: You may buy cookbook or maybe any cute baking stuff. Trust me, she will be happy to get it
Susi: Good idea both of cookbook and baking stuff for her
Andhika: Thanks for the idea.. but I need you to choose the best cookbook and baking stuff.
Mom: We can go to the book store now and next week we may to go to Ace Hardware before her birthday party
Andhika: Okay mom..I love u
Mom: I love you too my dear